
Fire Alarm Interface System

This was a very interesting project for us, something that we have only just started to do, but a project that started something special. This was a Smart Fire Alarm Interface System that was linked to a large business premises and needed to be executed perfectly to provide the maximum safety possible.

This alarm system was designed to control all power in the case of a fire emergency. The initial program would shut off all power in the area of crisis and lock it down by terminating all power supply to the electric door system in that area.

The next phase we installed was to allow the rest of the building to be functional to a certain level allowing the emergency services to gain access to the area needed in a safe but easily accessible manner.

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This system is a smart system and can be controlled from a hub external from the premises in the case of a large emergency and gives the controller the avaiulability to do a complete premises lockdown. The system is self suffiicient and has a constant monitoring system in place, ensuring that all areas are safe and secure.

It was a very intricate project which tested us physically and mentally but we loved it and have already managed to get a few more on board.